Friday, March 21, 2008



The insurance industry had about 2.3 million wage and salary jobs in 2006. Insurance carriers accounted for 62 percent of jobs, while insurance agencies, brokerages, and providers of other insurance-related services accounted for 38 percent of jobs.

The majority of establishments in the insurance industry were small; however, a few large establishments accounted for many of the jobs in this industry. Insurance carriers tend to be large establishments, often employing 250 or more workers, whereas agencies and brokerages tend to be much smaller, frequently employing fewer than 20 workers (chart 1).

Over 95 percent of insurance establishments employ fewer than 50 workers, but about 40 percent of jobs are in establishments with 250 or more.

Many insurance carriers’ home and regional offices are situated near large urban centers. Insurance workers who deal directly with the public are located throughout the country. Almost all of those working in sales work out of local company offices or independent agencies. Many others in the industry work for independent firms in small cities and towns throughout the country.

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